NDIS Referral Homepage > NDIS > NDIS Referral 17%⚠️ Temporary Pause on NDIS OT Referrals ⚠️We currently do not have capacity to accept referrals for NDIS Occupational Therapy services, including Functional Capacity Assessments (FCA) and Assistive Technology (AT) assessments. Our next available intake is expected to open the week commencing 10/03/25. We do not hold or triage referrals for extended periods, as this is not ideal for participants, support coordinators, or our clinicians. All existing referrals are being actively managed. For any enquiries, please contact us at [email protected]. Thank you for your understanding.SubmitParticipant Name First Name *Last NameParticipant Date of Birth *Participant NDIS Number *Participant Gender *MaleFemaleOtherParticipant PhoneParticipant EmailParticipant AddressAddress 1 *SuburbPost CodeStateLiving Arrangement *Living IndependentlyLiving with Family/PartnerLiving in Supported Accom.HomelessOtherHow is your plan managed? *Self-Managed Plan-Managed NDIA ManagedPlan Start Date *Plan End Date *Plan ManagerFirst Name *Plan Manager EmailNextWhat is the participant's primary diagnosis? *Developmental DelayPsycho-socialAutismIntellectual DisabilitySensoryPhysicalNeurologicalCognitive/Acquired Brain InjuryOtherPlease SpecifySecondary Diagnoses:Clinician Required: *PhysiotherapyExercise PhysiologyOccupational TherapyPodiatryTherapy AssistanceType of service required: *Functional Capacity AssessmentAssistive TechnologyHome Modification Supporting DocumentationClinic Based Services (Norwood)Home Based Capacity Building ServicesPaediatric ServicesHydrotherapyOtherReason for Referral: *In your own words please state the reason for your referral: Desired Outcome: *In your own words please state the outcome you require from our services.NDIS Goal 1: *NDIS Goal 2: *NDIS Goal 3: *NDIS Goal 4:NDIS Goal 5:NextBackReferrer Details: *I am the NDIS Participant I am referring on behalf of the NDIS Participant (Please provide details below)First NameLast NameReferrers Phone NumberReferrers EmailPlease state your relationship to the NDIS Participant *Support CoordinatorLocal Area CoordinatorReferring TherapistFamily Member / CarerPlan ManagerOtherPlease specify:Who is the primary contact to book the first appointment? *ParticipantSupport CoordinatorLocal Area CoordinatorFamily Member / CarerPlan ManagerOtherFirst NameLast NamePhoneEmailNextBackIn order for this referral to be completed please provide information regarding any safety concerns.Does the participant have any behaviours of concern? *YesNoUnsurePlease specifyDoes the participant have an active positive behavioural support plan? *If 'Yes" please upload in the next sectionYesNoUnsureAre there any pets at the participants residence? *YesNoUnsurePlease specifyPlease provide information regarding the type of pets on the property and if there is any safety concerns for our staff.Has anyone at the residence been known to be aggressive/violent? *YesNoUnsurePlease specifyDoes the participant or co-residents have a history of substance abuse? *Illicit drugs and/or alcoholYesNoUnsurePlease SpecifyAre you aware of any firearms being stored at the property? *YesNoUnsurePlease SpecifyWill anyone else be present during the appointment? *YesNo UnsureWho will be attending?Does the participant or co-residents have any other health concerns? *ie cold/flu symptoms / COVID / gastro / infections diseasesYesNoUnsurePlease specifyAre there any environmental risks we need to be aware of? *Please specify if there are any environmental risks and/or if there is adequate space in the home.YesNoUnsurePlease SpecifyAre there any communication needs we need to be aware of? *ie will a interpreter be required, is English a second language, is the participant non-verbalYesNoUnsurePlease SpecifyNextBackForm UploadPlease provide any other relevant documentation to assist with information gathering. This will support us in preparation for our initial appointment.How did you hear about Flex Care? *Flex Staff MemberGoogleOther ProviderFacebookInstagramLinkedInNetworking EventWord of mouthFamily MemberSupport CoordinatorLocal Area CoordinatorOtherPlease Specify *SubmitBack