
September 17, 2024 — Sarah Clarke

Can you place your hands flat on the floor with your legs straight? Can you bend your thumb back to your forearm? Do you consider yourself ‘double-jointed’? Read on.

Navigating Balance: A Holistic Approach to Falls Prevention in Older Adults

February 28, 2024 — Daniel Raggatt

As the years pass, the significance of maintaining balance becomes increasingly evident for the well-being of older adults. In this blog, we'll explore the crucial aspects of falls prevention, incorporating insights into the MiniBESTest outcome measure, recovery steps, floor transfers, and the pivotal roles of ankle and hip strategies in achieving and maintaining stability.

Relieve Your Cervicogenic Headache with Physiotherapy

January 15, 2024

Do you experience headaches that seem to stem from the neck? You may be one of many individuals suffering from cervicogenic headaches. These headaches originate from issues in the neck, often causing discomfort and impacting your daily life.

There is a solution that doesn’t involve relying solely on painkillers. Physiotherapy can offer targeted treatments that provide relief and long-term solutions for cervicogenic headaches.


December 01, 2023 — Sarah Clarke

Summer is here and at this time of the year many people are taking up new sports or fitness regimes which is great to see. Unfortunately this can increase your risk of developing a tendinopathy which may cause pain in your hip, knee, ankle, shoulders and other areas.

COVID 19 Policy

October 19, 2022 — Scott Smith

We continually monitor and follow the recommendations and advice given to Allied Health clinics from SA Government, SA Health and the Australian Physiotherapy Association and we will update you accordingly of any changes that are required to your bookings.

Mums and Bumps - Exercise during the pre and post partum period

July 29, 2022 — Sarah Clarke

Whether it be your first, second, or third pregnancy each journey differs from the other, with the body experiencing significant change throughout this time. Changes in your body, energy levels, and lifestyle lead many women to question their prior exercise routine, or many do not even know where to start! Returning to exercise post-partum can too be daunting for Mum’s adjusting to their body and new lifestyle – with many women often not knowing where to begin, or returning to high level or exercise too quickly, without allowing the TLC their body deserves.

Luckily our Flex team and Mums and Bumps classes are here to support you along the way. Our Mums and Bumps classes provide the benefits of Physical Activity and are baby and toddler friendly – leaving organising babysitting out of the equation for busy Mums!

The Benefits of Strength and Conditioning Training for Runners: what you need to know

June 21, 2021 — Zoe Toland

If you enjoy running, then I am sure you are always looking for ways to get faster, improve performance and avoid injury. Despite the extensive data supporting the positive effects that regular strength and conditioning training can have on runners, many individuals skip this essential component in their weekly training regime.

My postnatal journey back to running

June 08, 2021

As a physiotherapist with a special interest in pelvic floor function, I have enjoyed guiding many women in their return to exercise after pregnancy. When I was pregnant I was confident that I was well placed to make a smooth and timely return to exercise myself. Prior to having children, I enjoyed running, competed in triathlons and played competitive hockey and planned to get back to these as soon as possible. 

The ubiquitous elbow bump

February 15, 2021

When COVID hit, our prime minister decided we should stop shaking hands and use an elbow bump as a greeting instead.  Watching this manouevre over the last few months, it has come to look more and more awkward, staged and unnatural and I suspect that part of that awkwardness comes from it being a very unnatural movement.  It also has negative significance for our shoulders and necks.

Prolapse - your questions answered

February 09, 2021

Pelvic organ prolapse is common and 1 in 2 women who have had a baby will have some degree of prolapse in their lifetime. 10% of women over the age of 80 will have had surgery for prolapse.

How can you better manage your hip, groin or butt pain?

November 03, 2020

Do you suffer from hip, groin or buttock pain?  If so, one of the key elements to treatment and management of your symptoms is reducing the load you are placing through this region – this means that you will need to reduce the time spent in positions that challenge these areas!  Usually, the problem will be that you are bending too much at the hip or crossing your leg too often towards the opposite side.  It is very important that you learn to identify when this is and understand how you can change the situation to avoid overloading your hip/buttock region.  Have a look at the following guidelines and try to implement those appropriate to your issues. If you need further advice, book in with a Flex Physio who will be able to guide you with the best management for your circumstance. 

Privacy Policy

September 01, 2020 — Scott Smith

Please take a moment to read our Privacy Policy as it describes what happens to your personal information that is collected when you interact with us or use our websites (Websites).

Setting up a home office?

August 10, 2020 — Sarah Clarke

Since the pandemic, many people have been working from home and we have noticed people needing to seek physiotherapy management to relieve posture-related pain from poorly set-up home offices. The most common areas of pain include the shoulders, wrists, neck and back. Do you know how to set up your home office to support you in an ergonomic position?

Pelvic Pain and Kegels

August 04, 2020

Pelvic pain affects a staggering 25% of women, especially young women and even teenagers. It also affects nearly one in 10 men. 

Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS)

June 29, 2020

What is AIS?

Scoliosis is a structural deformity of the vertebrae (bones) in your spine. This most commonly develops through the growth stages in early adolescent years when bony growth of the vertebra is uneven from front to back and side to side. This creates more wedge shaped bones and is often found in conjunction with hypermobility, a condition that is characterized by excessive joint movements. This blend of bony wedging, hypermobility and associated relative muscle weakness can lead to the development of “C” or “S” shaped curves in the spine and the development of a scoliosis.

Pregnancy, Exercise and COVID-19

April 29, 2020

I am writing this blog post as I am 27 weeks pregnant, with my first baby. Currently we are in unprecedented times with COVID-19. I had always thought that if I was lucky enough to get pregnant, then I would have a great time exploring all the many things I chat to my clients about, such as pregnancy exercise classes (including yoga, Pilates and hydrotherapy), swimming and even indulging in the occasional pregnancy massage. However, COVID-19 has changed all of this at present.

What is Flex FIT?

January 14, 2020 — Daniel Raggatt

For those who are unaware…the FIT in Flex FIT stands for Functional Individualised Training!

What does functional and individualised training mean to me?

Cancellation Policy

January 01, 2020 — Scott Smith

Please read our cancellation policy, this applies to all clinic locations.

The Clicky Jaw & Physio

November 14, 2019

At Flex, we have physiotherapists who are skilled in assessing and treating issues around the jaw.

Headaches - How physio can help?

November 05, 2019 — Sarah Clarke

Many people suffer headaches at some point in their lives.  For some people these headaches can be severe and long standing, they can interrupt work, hobbies and their social life, having a huge impact on their quality of life. Many people who suffer from headaches rely heavily on medication to manage these symptoms but often this is a short term solution.

Tips on Squatting

October 30, 2019

Squatting is a common movement performed by all of us most days. It may be bending down to pick something up, tie a shoelace and even when sitting on a couch or a chair. Squatting can also be performed as part of your weights or strength program.

Exercise in Pregnancy

July 18, 2019

In today’s society, we are made very aware of the benefits and recommendations surrounding exercise for our physical and mental health. Pregnancy is a time in our lives when our bodies undergo tremendous changes, in addition to growing a whole new little body (or bodies), so it is no surprise that exercise is just as important as ever.

What is Strength & Conditioning?

February 05, 2019

Strength and Conditioning (S&C) is the physical and physiological development of athletes through exercise prescription for improved sport performance. S&C coaches provide individually designed, evidence-based training programs that are designed to provide optimal strength, recovery, and fitness gains.

Pelvic Pain

January 14, 2019

Are you male? Are you female? Whatever your sexual orientation, you may suffer from some form of pelvic pain. You may also have bladder issues, bowel issues and/or some problems with sex? If so, you are not alone. Unfortunately pelvic pain affects 1 in 5 women and 1 in 12 men at some time in their life—yet it’s a condition that is rarely discussed.

Cancer Rehabilitation

July 30, 2018 — Sarah Clarke

There are now more people surviving a cancer diagnosis, however they are often more at risk of other health complications as well as suffering side effects from the cancer treatments.   This includes side effects such as fatigue, depression, deconditioning, reduced quality of life or difficulty participating in work, hobbies and sports.

Does your car suit you?

May 24, 2018

When having pain, we need to look at all the aspects of our own lives that can contribute.
Driving can create significant stress to the neck, shoulders and back when your seat does not support you properly.
(Most modern cars have several seat adjustments which will make a substantial difference)
Safety must always be the first concern however and any adjustment must still allow you to see the road, your mirrors and instruments easily.

Pregnancy + Physiotherapy… What can Flex offer?

January 30, 2018

CONGRATULATIONS if you are reading this and are pregnant! What an exciting time in your life. Your body will be going through many amazing changes over the next few months – during pregnancy and post pregnancy. 

What is pain?

November 13, 2016

Pain is complex! It is defined as ‘an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage’ (IASP, 2015).